Semper Melior
Koos Sadie Primary School

A warm welcome at Koos Sadie Primary School
The learners are the heartbeat of our school and therefore our highest priority. Their happiness, safety and success are our main concerns.
We believe in the holistic education of our learners based on healthy discipline, based upon love,
and positivity. We concentrate on a balance between academics, sport and culture and entwined are the values of : Trust and Loyalty, Respect, Caring and Responsibility. It is therefore expected of our parents to strengthen our hands in the huge task of education, by laying the foundation of discipline at home.
We are blessed with staff who have a passion for every child and for what they achieve. Without their dedication, the accomplishments of our learners are not possible. We are also grateful to our parents who are involved with the schooling of their children. They assist us in contributing to a positive environment where our children can feel safe and protected.
It is an honour to be part of the Koos Sadie Family where we continuously strive to reach higher heights and we approach each new challenge with enthusiasm.
Baie welkom by Laerskool Koos Sadie
By Laerskool Koos Sadie is ons leerders ons hoogste prioriteit. Aangesien die leerders die hartklop van die skool is, is hul geluk, veiligheid en suksesse vir ons baie belangrik.
Ons glo in die holistiese opvoeding van ons leerders gebasseer op gesonde dissipline, liefde en positiwiteit. Ons konsentreer op ‘n balans tussen akademie, sport en kultuur en ingevleg hiermee word aandag geskenk aan die volgende waardes: Trots en Lojaliteit, Respek, Omgee en Verantwoordelikheid. Ons verwag van ons ouers om ons hande te sterk in die opvoedingstaak deur die grondslag van dissipline en waardes ook tuis te lê.
Ons is geseënd met personeel met ‘n onuitputbare bron van passie vir elke kind. So is ons ook dankbaar vir ouers wat by hulle kinders se opvoeding betrokke is. Hulle dra by tot die positiewe omgewing waarin ons kinders veilig en geborge voel.
Dit is ‘n voorreg om deel te wees van die Koos Sadie Familie waar ons deurgaans streef na hoër hoogtes en waar ons nuwe uitdagings met groot entoesiasme aanpak.