School Song
As the sand and the bushes now vanish
And the skyscrapers rise to the blue,
We shall still try to build our own future
In spirit be loyal and true.
Foundations build solid and sturdy
on their strength, we shall build and grow
through winds and through storms and
through hardship
Shall our good trust and love ever flow.
We shall build on this foundation.
“Always Better” we shall try
“Semper Melior” our motto
With God’s word to steer us by.
Waar waaisand die vlakte oordek het.
En die wolke van Leeukop af vou.
Dis ‘n laerskool in Goodwood gevestig.
Deur te werk en te glo en vertrou.
Tussen wit sand en yl skilpadbossies
Fondamente is daar vas gelê.
‘n Immergroen hart van besieling –
O, dis hier waar die mooi jare lê.
Ons sal voortbou op die grondslag
“Altyd Beter” steeds presteer
“Semper Melior” ons slagspreuk
Met die hulp van ons troue Heer.
Rise school communicator
Koos Sadie Primary School has made an informed decision to use Rise School Communicator for all our communication with parents.
It is used for:
- All school updates
- School events (parent evenings, fundraisers and more)
- Important newsletters
- Resources for important documents (Covid booklets)
- Live Billing (account balances)
All important information and newsletters are loaded on the Rise School Communicator App.
We would like to kindly request all parents to download the app.
iOS download link:…/rise-school-communica…/id1435278756
Android download link:…
Download user guide: A-user-guide-for-parents-on-Rise-School-Communicator